Thursday 15 September 2022

The Story of Semiconductors... Vinit Vartak ©

 The Story of Semiconductors... Vinit Vartak ©

Presently in Maharashtra, the name Semiconductor is on everyone's lips. The rise and rescue of conglomerate names like Foxconn is going on simultaneously. All activists, devotees and politicians have all jumped into it. Accusations are being thrown at each other. I don't want to get into the politics of who is right and who is wrong. But even if you ask one of these, what is a semiconductor bro?  there is a situation where you will see bright stars during the day. What is Semiconductor? Exactly where and how is it used? How Semiconductor is going to become the trump card in the future and what will be India's role in it? We should understand all these things beyond politics.

What is Semiconductor? To understand, we should consider a filter. As the filter does not pass all the liquid thoroughly and it is not completely closed. So it comes out by filtering the right amount of liquid. A semiconductor works exactly like this. It does not allow electric current to pass easily through us but does not stop it completely. Also this barrier can be less on one side and more on the other side. This means that the resistance of a semiconductor is variable. Also its properties are changed by light and heat. This means that if we change these things as and when we want, we can achieve both an electric conductor and an electric insulator at the same time. That is why semiconductors are the backbone of any electronic device.

To understand how semiconductors work, we need to understand the atomic structure. As we have learned in school that in the basic structure of any element, protons and neutrons are at the center of the atom and electrons move in a specific orbit. In the case of all common elements one, the other electron is in the last orbit. But materials that are semiconductors have four electrons in their outermost shell. Those four electrons bond with four other electrons. If this happens, the material transforms itself into a crystal structure. For example, silicon crystal. So these semiconductors control the electric current in any electronic device. It sends electric current to any device as much and only when it is needed. Designing such a system first required large vacuum tubes and very large electric currents. But after the advent of semiconductors, its size became less and less.

The change in size from what was once a desktop computer to today's handheld mobile phone is largely due to changes in the size and performance of semiconductors. A single semiconductor chip contains more transistors than all the stones in the pyramids of Egypt. The more transistors, the higher the efficiency of the chip. More than 100 billion integrated circuits are used in the world today. At the heart of it all is the semiconductor. Today, India imports 100% of its semiconductor requirements from abroad. In 2019 alone, India imported semiconductors worth USD 50 billion. Today, semiconductors are required in all fields like computers, telecommunications, banking, security, healthcare, transportation, manufacturing.

Today, a country like Taiwan is the grandfather country in the semiconductor sector. Making a semiconductor requires you to master the physics, chemistry and overall nitty-gritty of its manufacture. In 1974, 'Terry Gau' founded 'Hon Hi' i.e. Foxconn with a capital of 7500 US dollars. Today Foxconn's market value has exceeded 70 billion Taiwan dollars. To meet India's need for semiconductors and make India self-sufficient, Foxconn partnered with an Indian company, Vedanta, to start building a semiconductor manufacturing industry. Maharashtra was always his first destination. But he has chosen Gujarat because they fed up with the politics of Maharashtra and the unstable government that changes its policies. There is no doubt that because of this employment in Maharashtra has gone to Gujarat. But the attitude of politicians and their policies, the politics of ego preservation and the attitude of showing one's affairs to others is responsible for this. This failure is not a single party, political leader or government but the entire political instability. Now, here and now, here and there, and here and there, and here and there, but in all this, the truth is proved once again that no one has suffered the loss of Maharashtra.

Semiconductor is going to be the ace of fortune in the future.Whoever owns the semiconductor formula will lead the country, state and the company in the electronics industry in the future. So I have no doubt that if we devote the same time to identifying semiconductors and the steps to come, without engaging in the politics of taking advantage of each other, we will have eased the way for our future.

Jai Hind!!!

Footnote :- The purpose of the post is not political. Then no political comment of any kind should be made on this.

Photo Search Courtesy :- Google

Notice :- Wording in this post is copyright.

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