Monday 11 July 2022

#What we know is surprising Part 3... Vinit Vartak ©

 #What we know is surprising Part 3... Vinit Vartak ©

The photo below is a masterpiece of human skill. This photo was released by NASA today, July 12, 2022. This is the first photo taken by NASA's James Webb telescope. James Webb has captured a spectacular view of the universe at a distance of 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, with an average temperature of 6.4 K (minus 266.7 degrees Celsius).

James Webb has begun to unravel the mysteries of light that Hubble has not been able to capture to this day, and which has been lost in the wavelength of infrared light due to the state of the universe. This photo, taken by James Webb, is of the SMACS 0723 Galaxy cluster. A galaxy cluster is a group of galaxies. Our solar system and our Milky Way galaxy, along with other galaxies like Andromeda, are part of the 'Vergo super cluster'. Similarly, SMACS 0723 is a galaxy cluster in the sky. After holding the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) on James Webb in one place for 12 hours, he has captured this view of the universe.

The world we see in the photo below is 450 crore (4.5 Billion) years old. This means that the light that started 450 crore years ago is now reaching us. This photo is so tine image of space it's like holding one grain of sand in hand  and then web can spot it from space . This shows how small part of the universe is captured by web. Thoughts will make your brain tingle, but James Webb has the ability to tip such subtle things into space. This is just the beginning. No one knows how many new galleries the world will unfold in front of us when the tools on James Webb start working at full capacity.

James Webb was born out of the tireless work of more than 10,000 scientists and engineers to create a 20-year period that cost more than 10 billion. US President Biden himself has said that this is the best invention of human technological ability. He quoted,

"This telescope is one of humanity's great engineering achievements,"  

The words and phrases in it are true. James Webb has revealed a world hidden in the sand that had been hidden from us for so many years. Every orange, blue, red, yellow, white dot seen in this photo is a galaxy. In which billions of stars, planets are hidden. In it, we cannot estimate how many different forms of life, such as the Earth, will have on their surface. Because what we see is the state of the universe 450 crore years ago. We can't see what will be there now. The entire human journey began about 2.5 million years ago. So 450 crore years is a huge number. Therefore, we cannot predict which rangoli of living creation will be made on each of these dots. 

My heartfelt salute to human technological advancement and to all those who created James Webb.

Photo search courtesy: - NASA

Note: - The wording in this post is copyright.

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